Purpose of the events calendar:
- The Narromine Shire Council events calendar is a forum for Shire related events only. This includes only Shire-related events held within the
Narromine Shire Local Government Area.
Guidelines for inclusion:
Events listed must comply with the below guidelines;
- Event organisers are responsible for uploading information regarding their event
- Appropriate approvals must be in place prior to listing your event (i.e permission to use the venue)
- Event organisers must include a description of the event and if available, an image is preferred
- Council will take no responsibility for errors made by event organisers when they upload the event. If you need to update your details please
email mail@narromine.nsw.gov.au with a clear outline of what needs to be updated
- Residents and visitors must be able to participate in the event or attend as a spectator
- Events must have visitor appeal
- Listing your event on Narromine.nsw.gov.au is free for events held within the LGA.
Reason for refusal:
- Events with a commercial focus
- Events promoting community groups/activities, peak industry bodies, community groups, religious groups or political parties
- Events that do not promote the LGA or Narromine Shire Council in a positive manner
- Events promoting tobacco or alcohol use or distribution thereof
- Events affecting Council’s public image
- Events that are offensive, abusive or racist
- Events that conflict with Council’s values, policies or statutory responsibilities
- Events that are a corporate or community activity with an administrative or governance focus (eg AGM, member meetings, board meetings)
- Events including garage sales, fetes, regular sporting events i.e. home games, school sporting activities etc.
Council reserves to right to remove events and community messages when required.